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Life Purpose & Direction
Energy Reading

In just ONE HOUR you will discover exactly how to get unstuck, unblocked and back in successful Soul-alignment. 

*Special Price* $97

Normally $275!







Sound familiar? Well, most women strive to meet these "bench marks" only to wake up one day feeling burnt-out, or as if something has "gone wrong" - with a deep ache inside, yearning for "more".


Feeling overwhelmed, unfulfilled and unsure what the next right steps are is incredibly uncomfortable - but thankfully - there is a solution.  


It is precisely in this moment where we need a trusted advisor, one with unique skills and wisdom, to help us find the clarity and certainty we long for and need.

However, most women have been conditioned to believe that their "purpose" is...



working a secure 9 - 5 job

being liked or seen as "good"

care-taking and/or sacrificing



You're a woman experiencing unexpected or frustrating mid-life transitions


You're unsatisfied with or confused about your career path - and need clarity ASAP


You're ready for an emotional & energetic breakthrough - so you can "lay down" the heavy overwhelm you've been carrying

You have a "gut hunch" that you're supposed to make a big life change - and you want some spiritual validation

You're looking for answers about why certain things haven't happened for you yet - and if they are things you can expect to happen in your future

You desire to know the spiritual lessons available to you at this crucial life moment - and you're eager to embody more wisdom


Clear answers to your deepest questions


Insight into relationship or career conflicts


Renewed energy and sense of internal wellbeing


Confidence that you were truly seen and deeply witnessed


Practical guidance and action steps that you can implement right away!


*Special Price* $97

Normally $275!

So, I’m doing this new thing that I call “Motivational Singing”._edited.jpg



Hello! I'm Debra Arlyn - a Psychic Empath & Women's Success Coach.


Just like you...I struggled to know and embrace my life purpose and went through many difficult lessons and transformations along the way.

In a moment where I felt I had nowhere else to turn, I booked my first Life Purpose Reading and had one of the most encouraging and depth-filled experiences of my life. I felt like I had been truly "seen" and validated on a spirit and soul level.


I had NO IDEA that someone could actually "read" the energy of my life, or know such intimate things about my inner world, that I'd never met or talked to before! Thank goodness this is a trainable, legit skillset - and that we have trusted Intuitive Readings available to us. That reading completely changed the trajectory of my life - and since then, I have never looked back! 

Today I'm proud to say...that I am living out my purpose by offering highly customized Intuitive Readings and world-class Success Coaching to women, much like myself, who are seeking authentic wholeness, and want to make a more conscious impact in their personal and professional lives.

I've perfected this reading over the past 3 years and I normally charge $275.


But - for a limited time I am opening up this reading at a special price, so that I can help more women feel empowered, clear and innately joyful. Because, when women are thriving - everyone around them thrives!


HOW CAN YOU "READ" MY ENERGY? I have spent years developing my Intuitive senses of Clairvoyance (clear-seeing), Clairaudience (clear-hearing) and Claircognizance (clear-knowing). I am able to "read" the subtle energy of your spirit, chakra centers as well as the energy of your career and relationships (with your permission)!

DOES THIS READING INCLUDE 'PAST LIVES' STUFF? I am focused on looking at the current energy direction of your life and most importantly - THE FUTURE - or as I like to describe it - what is coming up ahead for you given the current direction of things, and how to best set you up for success from the moment our session begins. But, if you'd like to look at the energy of a past life you can request that after booking on the pre-session form.

WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT ONCE I CLICK THE "BOOK NOW" BUTTON? Once you click the button to book you will be taken to my personal scheduler where you can select your preferred session date and time, and enter your payment details. Once this step is complete -you will receive a confirmation and payment receipt email, along with the Zoom Link for our call. You will also receive a 24 hour session email reminder and a (1) hour session email reminder for your convenience :)

If you are feeling drawn to book this reading - please don't wait. I will not be able to offer this in-depth of a reading at this low of a price very long!


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"I highly recommend Debra’s work. She’s the real deal. She used her intuitive skills to compassionately – and accurately – witness my most deep-seated blocks, and then got very granular when recommending clear and practical action items I could take!"

Carol (Bend, OR)

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"A truly beautiful reading that brought me to tears in the end. Everything you said was such a heartfelt and needed confirmation. I'm not have a gift! I so appreciate this reading and your beautiful soul."

Kelsie (Portland, OR)

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“I remember in my reading you saw me alone on a tropical beach. Well well, what do you know, I just moved to Hawaii last Saturday and totally thought about this. It was definitely one of the signs that led me to be open about moving here. You are powerful, thank you for the guidance.”

Erika (Hawaii)

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"We were able to get deep very quickly! I was on the verge of tears. It felt genuine and very natural. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time and intention. There aren't enough words of gratitude."

Julie (Walla Walla, WA)

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"After our session I had a series of life changing epiphanies! Debra is an incredible healer - deeply compassionate and understanding soul. Truly talented, kind, wise and nurturing."

Laura ( Medford, OR)

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"Feels like a journey into seeing my soul, spirit, my reason for being and my greatest strengths and challenges. I feel like I could call Debra a Soul Transformation Coach!"

Carey (Los Angelos, CA)


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